Sustaining Motivation
When it comes to motivation, The Collective Academy is committed to curiosity (it’s one of our values) and accessing “fuel” to keep us going when the motivation runs dry. Sometimes that fuel comes from outside sources (we strongly recommend following our partner Meredith Moore at Leverette Weekes & Co. for her Monday Message) and sometimes it comes from within.
Let’s start with you. Let’s start today. Here’s a simple three-step process to spark motivation:
Grab a pad of paper and write down one way you made progress the day before. (Every morning. Just one.)
Four weeks from now, read your notes. Type them up. Notice themes. (What were you measuring? Why?)
Share your progress with your team, a partner, or a friend–and then celebrate.*
Progress is hard to see up close. We have to adjust our aperture and take note of the baby steps that are leading to where we want to go. By doing so, we sustain the motivation needed to stay the course.
*And if you need someone to celebrate with, let’s talk!
Actual photo of Emily’s progress notes from October.